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100% increase in aggressiveness
High performance workpiece temperature reduced by up to 30%
abrasiveness increased by up to 40%
80% less dust
Noise and vibration reduced by 50%
Test before you buy. Call 01664 434897 for a free no obligation demonstration
Angle grinders have become a key part of the joinery repair job. Like most things in life, window repairs are driven by costs and timescales and when you are dealing with a large number of frames that is where you need a high speed power tool.
Paint has to be taken off to bring the wood back to its original state, decayed wood cut out and replaced with a two part epoxy resin and sanded
The pre-
And because we buy these products in large volume we always ensure that we can supply them at the fairest price.
The perfect tool for the perfect window frame repair
SUHNER tools are commonly used in various industries from automotive and aerospace to marine and pharmaceutical – and in workshops too typically for finishing high quality architectural metalwork, such as balconies and balustrades.
Find out how SUHNER and Grinding Solutions knowledge and experience can improve your bottom line. Use the navigation tools above to search our product lines and discover how SUHNER solutions can meet your application needs.
The UWC 7 is a true single-
SUHNER Electric power tools guarantee high power output, safety and reliability.
High performance at an excellent power to weight ratio. Grinding Disc. Specially
designed grinders/polishers for trade and industry. Lock button for fast wheel changes.
Ergonomically designed, quiet running. Low rpm polishers available with central water
feed for dry and wet grinding/polishing. Straight Grinders. Electric Polisher SUHNER
high performance straight grinders and Angle Grinder cover all applications, high
speed and low speed. Ideal handling due to the long neck spindle housing. Grinder
The electronic variable speed control allows use of abrasives and burrs at optimum
efficiency. The most versatile and unique range of grinders/polishers for all materials.
Abrasives Light weight tools with excellent power to weight ratio. Suhner Grinders
and Abrasives Also suitable to work in hard-
Suhner Grinders and Abrasives
DUODISC combination abrasive wheel for both cutting and deburring
With cut INOX, PFERD has now developed innovative burrs for working stainless steel(INOX).
Cut INOX stands out thanks to its extremely high stock removal performance on all
austenitic, rust and acid-
Looking for Carbide Burrs?
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